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 265 Kent Street West, Lindsay ON


Frustrated with your pain and injury? We can help.

Do you have questions about our services, or whether care is right for you? If so, please read about our services by clicking the "Learn More" button below or contact us at 705-878-0463. And if you're ready to setup your appointment now, please go ahead and click the "Book an Appointment" button to schedule it online using our quick and easy form.

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Frequently Asked Questions: Massage Therapy

  1. Are Gift Certificates Available?
  2. Is massage therapy covered by insurance?
  3. Can you bill my insurance company directly?
  4. What type of massage therapy is offered?
  5. Does massage therapy hurt?

Are gift certificates available?

Yes. Making an ideal gift for friends and loved ones, full colour attractive looking gift certificates with matching envelopes are available for ½ hour, 45 minutes, full hour, and 1.5 hour treatments.

Is massage therapy covered by insurance?

Yes. Most extended health plans include coverage for massage therapy treatments. Please contact your insurance company for details of your available coverage.

Can you bill my insurance company directly?

If you have coverage for massage therapy with Greenshield we can bill them directly. To do this, we require some information from you about your policy.  Please notify us if you are interested in having us bill Greenshield directly so that we can have this arranged for you.

Other insurance companies (Manulife, Sunlife) only issue reimbursement cheques to the client – therefore, for these companies, we cannot do direct billing.

What type of massage therapy is offered?

Janis provides Swedish massage techniques. Swedish massage is the most well known type of massage available, and involves the application of gentle but firm pressure to decrease tension and pain, improve circulation, and improve mobility and function. She uses her hands to stretch, lift, knead, and compress muscles and connective tissues. Treatments are individualized to each client – some people prefer a gentle approach, while others prefer deep tissue therapy – Janis is able to accommodate different preferences.

Does massage therapy hurt?

Massage therapy never has to hurt. Sometimes discomfort is felt over areas that are already tense and sore but the amount of pressure used by the therapist can always be adjusted to a comfortable level for you.

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Hours Of Operation

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 7:45 am - 6:00 pm
Wednesday: 7:45 am - 2:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday: Closed