Interferential Current (IFC) & Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
What is it?
Electrotherapy involves the application of a therapeutic electrical current to the area of injury, inflammation, dysfunction, or pain. The selection of the appropriate therapeutic current is based on a number of factors including the nature, severity, and duration of your complaint.
What is its purpose?
The application of therapeutic electrical current aims to accomplish the following:
- Reduce painful symptoms and release the body's natural painkilling chemicals
- Reduce local swelling and inflammation
- Promote normal muscular tone
- Promote normal nervous system functioning in areas of dysfunction
- Restore normal movements
- Increase circulation and blood flow to accelerate the healing process
What does it treat?
The following body tissues respond very well to electrotherapy:
- Muscle-related injuries (strains, tightness, and spasms)
- Tendon-related injuries (tendonitis, tendinosis)
- Nerve-related injuries
- Ligament sprains
Does it hurt?
No. (Well, unless I decided to be mean and turn it up to full power. But…. I won’t do that) Most patients find electrotherapy to be very beneficial and describe the treatments as relaxing.
Do patients receive any other types of therapy in addition to electrotherapy?
Yes. Electrotherapy can yield excellent results when used in conjunction with other treatment types that we perform, including chiropractic manual therapy, Active (Myofascial) Release Techniques, standard and rehabilitative exercise prescription.